
Our success is rooted in planning and safety. We’ve tried to surround our scene with as many of the “best” people as we can find. From there we apply all the diligence we can muster and relentless giv’r. That isn’t something commonly found on your conference call.

Coming up in the melting pot of Las Vegas rigging work we’ve evolved to service projects on the World stage. The journey began with a select group of like-minded people just hanging shows.

It went from luke warm to hot very quickly.

We have fought the impulse to grow big with the core desire to grow strong. Our collective has grown to include structural engineers, draftsmen, crane, rope access technicians, automation programmers and some unbeatable riggers. The company’s passion is easy to spot. We are here to do it safely, efficiently and productively because that’s who we are. You can’t coach what lives within our collective.

Alpinestyle is at the heart of every project and endeavor in our shop.

About Brent Armstrong

CEO / Founder of Alpine Rigging

At 9, pretending to be James Bond, I shimmied across a rope tied between Grandpa’s trees. In my late teens I took a break from international espionage to start rockclimbing. Rocks lead to mountains. Alpine climbing is the crucible that forged my life’s values. My 20’s were mostly climbing with college and structural steel mixed in.

Then I moved to Vegas. I can vividly remember being told to learn to draft with AutoCAD before I knew what “FOH” was. I was dumb enough to do that. I also pulled more than my fair share of points on the Strip. Grinding up from being an extra, to a climbing rigger, to the lead local, to the last guy on the production call, to the 2nd guy on the production call, to making the calls, to running Alpine is truly a grand voyage. I’m privileged to be surrounded by those in my orbit.

The only tricks I know are be truthful, stay resolute, have a plan with 3 backups… and strive on with diligence. Having lived and loved rigging for a majority of my life it’s gravitas humbles me everyday. A student of the craft I will forever be. If you’ve taken the time to read this…cheers.